Message Template Parameters

::: v-pre For our Alerts there are several {{ parameters }} that you can use to customize your message templates if you wish. Templates are always enclosed in double braces, for example {{ name }}. :::

Available Parameters in AE4 AE4

Available Parameters in AE3 AE3

Below you will find a list of existing parameters for each alert type:

Twitch Follow Alert Parameters AE3

The following parameters are available for follow alerts:

nameThe name of the user who followed

Twitch Subscribe Alert Parameters AE3

The following parameters are available for subscribe alerts:

nameThe name of the user who subscribed
tierThe tier of the subscription
is_giftWhether the subscription was gifted

Twitch Re-Subscribe Alert Parameters AE3

The following parameters are available for re-subscribe alerts:

nameThe name of the user who re-subscribed
tierThe tier of the subscription
monthsThe number of months the user has been subscribed
streakThe number of months the user has been subscribed in a row
durationThe number of months the user has been subscribed in total
messageThe message the user sent with the subscription
emotesThe emotes the user sent with the subscription

Twitch Gift-Subscribe Alert Parameters AE3

The following parameters are available for gift-subscribe alerts:

gifterThe name of the user who gifted the subscription
tierThe tier of the subscription
amountThe total amount of the subscription
cumulative_amountThe total amount of the subscription including all previous gifts
is_anonymousWhether the subscription was anonymous

Twitch Cheer Alert Parameters AE3

The following parameters are available for cheer alerts:

nameThe name of the user who cheered
amountThe amount of bits the user cheered
messageThe message the user sent with the cheer
is_anonymousWhether the cheer was anonymous

Twitch Raid Alert Parameters AE3

The following parameters are available for raid alerts:

nameThe name of the user who raided
countThe number of viewers the user raided with

Twitch Charity Donation Alert Parameters AE3

The following parameters are available for charity donation alerts:

campaign_idThe ID of the campaign
nameThe name of the user who donated
charity_nameThe name of the charity
charity_descriptionThe description of the charity
charity_websiteThe website of the charity
charity_logoThe logo of the charity
amount_valueThe value of the donation
amount_currencyThe currency of the donation
amount_decimal_placesThe number of decimal places of the donation