
Trigger Alerts beta

Right now you can trigger alerts by two ways:

  • Using templates: You can use existing templates from the user to trigger alerts.
  • Using custom templates: You can create your own templates to trigger alerts.

Type 1: Trigger alerts using existing templates

POST https://api.own3d.pro/v1/alerts
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "template": "follow",
    "data": {
        "name": "GhostZero"

Supported Templates

followSomeone follows your channel
gift-subscribeSomeone gifted a subscription to your channel
subscribeSomeone subscribes to your channel
cheerSomeone cheers on your channel
raidSomeone raids your channel
donationSomeone donates to your channel

Type 2: Trigger alerts using custom templates beta

POST https://api.own3d.pro/v1/alerts
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "template": {
        "image_href": "https://media.giphy.com/media/pzmbXFDiRbEEk1vCtP/giphy-downsized.gif",
        "sound_href": "",
        "title": "Custom Alert",
        "subtitle": "{{message}}",
        "display_time": 10000,
        "layout": "banner",
        "volume": 0,
        "font_size": 1.4,
        "font_family": "Montserrat",
        "font_weight": 600,
        "font_color": "#ffffff",
        "font_highlight_color": "#8205b3",
        "font_animation": "wiggle",
        "font_delay": 0,
        "animation_alert_enter": "fade-in",
        "animation_alert_leave": "fade-out"
    "data": {
        "message": "Hello World!"

Type 3: Trigger alerts using custom templates and custom data closed beta

In our latest alert engine update, we added the ability to use custom fields in your templates. Which allow you to create more dynamic alerts and animations. The fields property is an array of key-value pairs, which you can use in your HTML, CSS and JS templates using the {key} syntax.

Custom Fields (fields) are mostly used for additional settings within your theme to change the appearance of your alert. For example, you can create a custom field called font_color and use it in your CSS to change the color of your alert.

Coming Soon: Custom Fields can also be edited by the streamer in the OWN3D dashboard. In order to use custom fields in the dashboard, using form inputs. Therefore, the field must be added to the fields array of the alert configs too.

POST https://api.own3d.pro/v1/alerts
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "template": {
        "user_defaults": true,
        "html": "<div>{key}</div>",
        "css": "/** CSS */",
        "js": "/** JS */",
        "fields": {
            "key": "{{message}}"
    "data": {
        "message": "Hello World!"

Socket API

The Socket API is a simple way to receive realtime updates from our infrastructure. It is used within our browser source to display alerts, for example.

Use Sockets with Socket.IO

import { io } from 'socket.io-client'

// Connect to the socket
const socket = io('https://socket-hel1-1.own3d.dev', {
    withCredentials: true, // Required for cookies

// Join a room for the current user
socket.on('connect', () => {
    console.log(`Connected to socket server, id: ${socket.id}`)
    socket.emit('room', '90a951d1-ea50-4fda-8c4d-275b81f7d219.twitch.106415581')

// Listen for events
socket.on('notifysub', (data) => {
    console.log('Got a new event from the notification subscription service:', data)


The socket server uses sticky sessions to distribute the load across multiple servers. If you're using NodeJS, you must use the serverid cookie to connect to the correct server, otherwise you will encounter connection issues.

import { io } from 'socket.io-client'

// List of available servers
const servers = [
    // The list of available servers is not public. 
    // Please contact us if you need access to the list of available servers.

// Select a random server
const server = servers[Math.floor(Math.random() * servers.length)]

// Connect to the socket
const socket = io('https://socket-hel1-1.own3d.dev', {
    withCredentials: true, // Required for cookies
    extraHeaders: {
        Cookie: 'serverid=' + server, // Set the serverid cookie

// continue as usual

Use Sockets with OWN3D Extension Helper beta

This feature using the OWN3D Extension Helper.

Using the OWN3D Extension Helper, you can easily connect to the socket server and listen for events.

OWN3D.ext.socket.on('notifysub', (data) => {
    console.log('Got notify-sub event', data)

OWN3D.ext.socket.on('browser-source-updated', (data) => {
    console.log('Got browser-source-updated event', data)